edina tien: wishing you a peaceful day

January 15, 2007

wishing you a peaceful day

A few years ago, we visited friends who were living in Atlanta, GA at the time - one of the places we went sightseeing was the Martin Luther King, Jr National Historic Site. They handed out these cards which I still keep posted in my studio and thought I'd share it with you today as our country celebrates this day of remembrance. The only thing I would change to the pledge is to add the phrase "and all living beings" after the word "people" - let's not forget to care for all the plants and animals that sustain our planet and humanity.


Blogger alex said...

Yes! Wonderful words to remember and live!

January 16, 2007 8:49 AM  
Blogger Sweet Petunia said...

I love the card. Hey...I also love the magic 8 ball. Is this a new addition to your great blog? Still a lot of snow here....

January 16, 2007 8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it. Love it. I think I'll make a version of this. Thanks for sharing Edina.

January 16, 2007 10:51 AM  

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