waiting to exhale
Even though I've added Blogging Without Obligation to my list of good things (see right sidebar), I'm going to apologize anyway for not checking in sooner. My life is being turned upside down yet again, but I'm not at liberty to talk about it for awhile longer. Don't worry, it's nothing bad...I'll share more when I can. And thanks for continuing to visit even though my posts have been so few and far between lately!
Hi Edina, I just read your blog and family news and want you to know that I'm thinking of you and all you're going through now. I agree those nasty words cancer and tumor conjer up lots of emotions, pain and suffering. You're a strong support for your family and it's not always an easy role to play. Hope to see you this summer, Paula M
Sounds like you could use a hug.
Here you go...HUG!
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