edina tien: September 2006

September 25, 2006

how to foil a glass pebble (scroll down for photos)

People have asked about copper-foiling a glass pebble charm...I'm no expert but this is how I do it:

First, attach your pebble to your image and let the adhesive dry thoroughly (I wait overnight). I use a Diamond Glaze type adhesive but I've heard E6000 or gel medium works, too.

Next, foil the back with a few strips, overlapping a little, and cut off excess.

Then, start foiling the side - I don't like dealing with the curves so I start down at a point where the foil lies flat. Maybe this is not the most secure way, but so far, it works for me.

I'm also not very neat about crimping it down as you can see in the photo, but I make sure I use a bone folder (or handy wooden stick from a Haagen-Daas bar) to press down so the foil is stuck on very well. This is a really important step - don't skip it!

Voila! Now solder away...


September 24, 2006

comment problem fixed

According to the Blogger Buzz, all Blogger users, beta-version or otherwise, should now be able to comment on each other's blogs.

inspiration of the day

I'm sure you're all sick of me posting other people's thoughts but this really spoke to me today from Robert Genn's Twice Weekly Letters. The subject has been on my mind a lot lately since I've been thinking about how I keep taking all these classes, and, in a way, "appropriating" the styles of other artists. I just have to have faith that my own style will develop in time.
Dear Edina,

On Monday Adolfo McQue of Cape Town, South Africa wrote:

"Some of my painter friends insist that I don't have a unique angle in my work. I feel all I can do is carry on and paint as much as I can and not worry about it, and eventually it will come. To force it would be easy as I'm a professional designer and illustrator. It would also be shallow and dishonest, do you agree? Do you have some advice on this?"

Thanks, Adolfo. When I was in my twenties I was painfully aware that my work was a mish-mash. It was without angle, without style. A newspaper critic wrote that it was a "pastiche." I had to look up the word and I didn't like what I read. I despaired at ever finding my angle, but continued in my belief that the gods of art would someday grant me one. I, too, didn't want to be shallow and dishonest.

Then one evening at an early solo show, several collectors managed to blurt out that they loved my style. "It's so different," said one. It was only at that moment that I realized I had something I might call my own.

Analyzing my idealistic youth in reflective age, I realize that there's more than one road to Rome. I now know that just because a style is appropriated--or forced--it doesn't mean that an artist has to stay put. For many of my friends, the idea was to stand quickly on someone else's shoulders and then jump off. As a designer and illustrator you are probably proud of the variety of approaches you can take to a project. Why not put this facility to work? What I learned from the Pastiche Guy was that I was being influenced anyway. I was subconsciously appropriating stuff. What he didn't see was that I was already crossbreeding. These days I'm thinking that appropriation, within limits and not including outright cloning, is okay.

The idea is to have an efficient growth process so you get to the joyous part. Joy includes having something you can call your own. It doesn't matter a fig what folks say in shows or what critics put into papers. Artists need to live in the present tense. It's your daily studio function that counts. When someone says they love your style, you'll find yourself mumbling something like, "It's a funny thing, but I just do it this way right now." Then you have your angle.

Best regards,


PS: "My different styles must not be seen as an evolution, or as steps towards an ideal. Everything I have ever made was made for the present and with the hope that it would always remain in the present." (Pablo Picasso)

Esoterica: As a regular juror and habitual looky-loo, I notice that there's lots of competent work that doesn't show much that's unique. While mere competence or proficiency will often attract attention, especially among other artists, it may not be enough. Artists need to have their wits about them and be aware that insights can arise from little errors as well as big bloopers. Insights, original or not, tend to pop up unbidden. Pause. When the faintest glimmer of an insight appears--the wise artist explores in that direction. To evolve, artists need to exploit their glimmers.

September 21, 2006

happy anniversary

Happy indeed! Nine years with the most patient, loving, and fun husband - who could ask for anything more? Except of course for an ArtFest confirmation...LOL!...mine finally arrived yesterday. Even though it's my third time, the excitement is still the same as the first! Who else is going? Would love to meet my cyberspace friends in person...

September 18, 2006

eye candy for breakfast

Check out this artist.

Been busy getting my charms done and also trying to start some canvases for a potential PAC show coming up next spring. For me, there are few things more difficult than staring at a blank canvas and being overwhelmed by possibilities. To plan or not to plan, that is the question. Should I come up with an idea first or just dive in and hope something worthwhile materializes? That game can go on in my head forever, like two mirrors reflecting each other into infinity. Analysis paralysis: the bane of perfectionism.

September 14, 2006

blogger comments

If you are a Blogger user and are having trouble leaving comments on my blog (or other Blogger blogs), it might have something to do with the fact that not everyone has switched over to the new beta version. I think Blogger is currently working on this issue so it should be resolved eventually. In the meantime, try selecting "Other" and typing in your information instead of signing in with your Blogger ID and password (however, this will only work if the blog is set up to accept comments from non-Blogger visitors). See the following link for more information: http://knownissues.blogspot.com/

September 13, 2006

charmed, i'm sure

Been busy working on charms for the MMCA charm bracelet swap. Still need to adjust the solder on this prototype, but here is a link to a photo (don't click if you're in the swap and want to be surprised!)...


September 11, 2006

in memoriam

September 07, 2006

some quotes to start your weekend

Since my parents are coming to visit this weekend, all I have time to do is CLEAN! So, no time to post anything new. I leave you with these quotes/poem that spoke to me from this month's Oprah mag:
...don't be satisfied with stories, how things
have gone with others. Unfold
your own myth...

I will not die an unlived life.
I will not live in fear
Of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
To allow my living to open me
To make me less afraid,
More accessible
To loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
To live
So that which came to me as seed
Goes to the next as blossom
And that which came to me as blossom,
goes on as fruit.
-Dawna Markova

[Life] is demanding of me, 'Start again. Begin new things. Again set to work to build your world.'
-Jean Toomer

September 05, 2006

is it autumn yet?

Hope everyone had a nice holiday. We went to the beach Saturday to get away from the heat, and on Sunday, we went to Art in the Pearl and saw lots of wonderful art. I ran into a friend, Paula, who introduced me to another artist, Judy Wise, who I had previously "met" online and through doing Fatbooks. It was nice to finally connect a face with a name and to see her lovely artwork in person.

Although summer isn't officially over, Labor Day seems to mark the psychological beginning of fall, my favorite season. I just wish it lasted longer here in the Northwest. We seem to go from scorching heat straight into freezing cold (in my limited experience, having only lived here for seven years). I miss those Northern California autumn days when the skies are blue, the sun is shining, and the air is crisp but not quite cold enough for a winter coat.